Last updated: August 28, 2024

Top Social Media Marketing Companies in Santa Barbara

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Local Searchability

LocalSearchability provides top-notch services in Santa Barbara for website design, online marketing, e-commerce, and SEO, offering solutions to boost your online presence and search engine ranking. Clients rave about Michelle's expertise, with significant improvements in search engine ranking and business growth following her tailored marketing strategies.

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Gen3 Marketing

Gen3 Marketing is a global award-winning digital agency specializing in a range of services including affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, premium content, performance PR services, partnership marketing, paid media, and SEO. They cater to various industries such as Retail, FinServ, B2B, Beauty, Health, Wellness, Technology, and Travel & Hospitality, offering resources like a Publisher Development Department, blogs, case studies, news, and white papers, alongside an Actionable Insights Newsletter and Podcast.

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Rose & Crown Co. | Santa Barbara Website Design

Rose & Crown Co. in Santa Barbara offers Online Marketing Solutions, aiming to empower businesses to maximize their in-house marketing efforts. With a focus on revealing industry secrets and providing effective strategies, this digital marketing agency assists in establishing and growing online presence for overwhelmed business owners.

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Simply Marketing Web Design

Simply Marketing Web Design is a Santa Barbara-based agency specializing in crafting modern, responsive websites that make a strong impact, helping businesses thrive in the digital age.

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WitMark Marketing and Branding Group, LLC

WitMark Marketing and Branding Group, LLC is a dynamic agency known for its innovative and impactful marketing strategies. With a splash of creativity, they offer a range of services from business strategies to media consulting, catering to clients who seek exceptional results over the mundane.

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LAUNCH805 Marketing Agency

LAUNCH805 Marketing Agency in Santa Barbara, CA is your digital marketing team dedicated to helping local businesses maximize their advertising efforts and generate leads efficiently with services ranging from SEO and PPC to social media marketing and design solutions.

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Clever Punch Co.

Clever Punch Co. is the premier digital marketing services agency in Santa Barbara, offering a range of expertise including branding, website design, graphic design, social media management, and more.

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MetaMed Marketing, LLC

MetaMed Marketing, LLC offers a range of web services including website design, social media management, SEO, and more. Their mission is to provide exclusive and tailored solutions to enhance online visibility and drive conversions for clients' businesses.

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Search Engine Pros

Search Engine Pros helps you reach new customers online through Google Ads, targeting where your customers are searching, browsing, and engaging across various platforms.

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Savy Agency, Santa Barbara CA

Savy Agency in Santa Barbara, CA is a strategic branding and marketing agency dedicated to helping companies succeed. Their experienced team offers a full range of marketing services, including strategy development, branding, website design, SEO, social media marketing, and more.