Last updated: August 29, 2024

Top Social Media Marketing Companies in Pittsburgh

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HBT Digital Consulting

HBT Digital Consulting, an online advertising agency based in Pittsburgh, PA, excels at online advertising management and lead generation for small to medium-sized businesses. They create high-performing online advertising campaigns that convert prospective audiences to customers, driving meaningful online actions beyond mere online awareness.

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ClearBrands is a results-driven B2B Pittsburgh marketing firm specializing in brand strategy consulting, focused on communicating the Single Nail™ Advantage.

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RedShift Digital Marketing

RedShift Digital Marketing is the premier digital marketing agency in Pittsburgh, PA specializing in Digital Marketing Essentialism™, SEO services, local SEO, content marketing, search engine marketing, and social media marketing.

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GrowthHive is a website focused on improving user experiences through personalized cookie-based interactions while offering insights and analytics for visitor engagement. Their services include business development, marketing, and sales support.

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Sixth City Marketing: A Pittsburgh SEO and Digital Marketing Agency

Sixth City Marketing is a Pittsburgh-based SEO and digital marketing agency specializing in services like Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Website Design, and more for various industries including Manufacturing, Higher Education, Dentistry, Senior Living, and more.

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Brunner is a full-service marketing agency that offers services ranging from SEM and Paid Social to Brand Strategy and Business Intelligence, helping clients boost online presence, drive results, and elevate brand identity through targeted marketing strategies.

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Poetica Marketing

Poetica Marketing is a boutique content marketing and events company dedicated to client growth. They specialize in creating compelling SEO-focused web copy, engaging social media content, and memorable live events to help companies generate new business and enhance community connections.

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Sparq Designs, LLC

Sparq Designs, LLC focuses on forming relationships between people and brands by changing the way they think, pioneering a new culture of dentistry, and providing comprehensive multimedia and online marketing solutions that include strategy, brand positioning, insight, planning, and customer experience enhancement.

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Elisco's Creative Café

Elisco's Creative Café is a branding agency with a rich history since 1978, specializing in advertising, branding, video production, and innovative packaging design across various industries. With a focus on fresh ideas and a passion for original thinking, they stand out as go-to-market experts serving clients in healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more, offering a blend of creativity and strategic expertise.