Last updated: August 29, 2024

Top Social Media Marketing Companies in Greenville

Featured Providers
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Buzzadelic LLC

Buzzadelic LLC is a marketing and advertising agency based in Greenville, NC, specializing in digital marketing, lead generation, web development, video production, graphic design, and photography. They help businesses navigate the evolving landscape of customer communication and content consumption to stand out in today's crowded digital space.

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Red Shark Digital

Red Shark Digital is a dynamic digital agency specializing in SEO, Webflow development, and paid advertising. They offer innovative branding solutions and have an impressive portfolio showcasing their expertise in digital marketing strategies.

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Life Media Group

Life Media Group simplifies marketing with a hands-on digital and relationship-focused approach to elevate brands. Their team of experts helps build and grow online relationships, driving increased traffic with qualified leads for your business.

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Igoe Creative

Igoe Creative specializes in crafting tailored marketing strategies and offering a wide range of creative services, including identity development, logo design, print ads, radio ads, and more. They go the extra mile to help clients achieve their goals through both short-term tactics and long-term campaign techniques.

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BentonNewell Communication

BentonNewell Communication specializes in integrated and strategic marketing, team building, digital and social media marketing, brand development, website design, public relations, content marketing, SEO/SEM management, and email marketing.

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