Last updated: August 29, 2024

Top Social Media Marketing Companies in Charlottesville

Featured Providers
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Valpak of Charlottesville

Valpak of Charlottesville is a local family business dedicated to helping other local businesses grow by connecting them with more customers, ensuring they remain top of mind with consumers in the area.

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Flying Dog Media

Flying Dog Media is Charlottesville's premier digital marketing service specializing in web design, web development, and digital marketing solutions to enhance online presence and business growth.

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Anne Flinn Advertising, LLC

Anne Flinn Advertising, LLC is a digital advertising agency based in Charlottesville, specializing in a wide range of digital capabilities including Amazon Premium Targeting, PPC, SEO, and social media marketing. They also offer graphic design, video production, and various case studies as part of their services.

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Logical offers data-driven keywords and strategies for SEO and digital marketing, helping businesses grow their search presence and attract qualified customers to their websites with proven results.

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Gig Strategic

Gig Strategic is a digital marketing agency in Charlottesville specializing in digital advertising and strategy consulting, particularly focusing on Google Search Ads in Charlottesville, VA.

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Main Opt Marketing

Main Opt Marketing is a Charlottesville-based Marketing and Advertising Agency that specializes in blending traditional media with digital platforms, ensuring your advertising budget works harder to bring more returns. They offer strategic insights and aim to optimize marketing efforts for businesses seeking effective results.

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Feeder Digital Marketing

Feeder is a digital marketing agency offering services such as packages & pricing, testimonials, and hiring options. Contact them at ‪(434) 344-1060‬ for your digital marketing needs.

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SteppeMedia is a full-service digital marketing agency in Charlottesville, VA with over 25 years of expertise. They specialize in creating stunning designs, providing services such as website development, maintenance, advertising, SEO, videography, and virtual assistants, aiming to leave clients completely satisfied with their work.

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VICI Web Design & Marketing

VICI Web Design & Marketing is a trusted choice for both large corporations and individual business owners, offering over a decade of expertise in web design, marketing, and branding solutions. Their services focus on creating optimized websites, engaging marketing strategies, unique graphic designs, and tailored AI-powered solutions to connect with clients effectively.