Last updated: August 29, 2024

Top Social Media Marketing Companies in Sherbrooke

Featured Providers
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TandemPeaks Marketing

TandemPeaks Marketing specializes in helping businesses amplify their reach and elevate their brands through digital online marketing, search engine optimization, PPC advertising, video production, and social media services. The company focuses on strategies that boost leads, sales, and online visibility while optimizing website performance and social media profiles.

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Diffusio is a digital marketing firm that focuses on search engine optimization and conversion for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). They provide services such as brand valorization, increasing online presence and visibility, and analysis of keywords, promoting businesses on platforms like Google and social media. They also offer key services like web SEO, AdWords advertising, Facebook advertising, and remarketing, aiming to attract and persuade more customers for their clients.

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Agence Web Leadco

Agence Web Leadco specializes in lead generation and website design. They offer services that maximize qualified leads and add value to businesses, serving both B2B and B2C sectors. They also provide business training, offering potential leads at competitive prices.

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Cherry Up Marketing

Cherry Up Marketing is a multi-faceted agency that provides web design, YouTube advertising, Google Ads, brand strategy and management, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), marketing writing, and social media management. They aim to propel businesses to the next level, positioning themselves as an optimal choice for small and medium enterprises.

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Mathieu Adam Consultant Marketing

Mathieu Adam Consultant Marketing specializes in digital marketing and advertising consultation. Their services range from enhancing online presence to maximizing advertising ROI, with expertise in Facebook, Google SEM Display & Shopping, and LinkedIn advertising. They also offer creation and optimization of landing pages, automated marketing, sales funnels, CRM implementation, and social media community management.

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Standish Communications

Standish Communications is a creative agency that has been operating since 1988 and specializes in growing brands. They offer a range of integrated services, including marketing, web development, graphic design, and video production. Standish Communications believes in the importance of telling a brand's unique story and provides innovative solutions to do so.

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ADG Communication Marketing

ADG Communication Marketing specializes in digital marketing strategies, optimizing SEO, social media management, and website creation and hosting. With a unique and results-oriented approach, they focus on enhancing brand identity while delivering tangible results which also include services like video production, motion designing, and print media management.

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Médias SG

Médias Samuel Grenier is a company that aids businesses in elevating their online presence through a variety of digital marketing strategies. They specialize in web design, content creation including video production, image design and logo creation, online reputation management, social media management, and email/SMS marketing. Not only are their team experts in their field, but they're also dedicated to every project with a sincere desire to help their clients succeed.