Last updated: August 28, 2024

Top Digital Marketing Agencies in St Catharines

Featured Providers
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Need Realty

Need Media provides a range of marketing tools for real estate professionals, including photography and virtual tours. They have a strong reputation and a dedicated client roster of professionals who excel in their field. Check out their impressive work on their Facebook page.

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A D S Publishing

A D S Publishing, operating as ADS Media Solutions, is Canada's leading hotel marketing network, specialized in producing guest directory programs for over 1,000 hotels. The company focuses on nationwide advertising, aiming at the millions of hotel guests annually, and offers digital and printed directories to aid tourist businesses in reaching their target audience.

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Absolute Impact Marketing

Absolute Impact Marketing offers affordable marketing solutions that help businesses increase their brand visibility and reach their target audience. With a focus on digital marketing strategies, they provide effective solutions to drive customer engagement and boost sales. Their expertise in creating impactful marketing campaigns ensures businesses can thrive in today's competitive market.

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BBBBLANC* Studio is a branding and graphic design company that offers creative and innovative solutions for businesses. With a focus on visual storytelling, they help clients build their brand identity and create captivating designs that leave a lasting impression.

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Kaizen 360 specializes in providing strategic intelligence for business performance. With a focus on process improvement and solution-driven approaches, the company helps businesses achieve optimal results and sustainable growth within a 90-day timeframe. Their workshop series offers a comprehensive and immersive learning experience for businesses aiming to achieve their growth objectives.

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Dragon's Eye Consulting

Dragon's Eye Consulting is a full-service marketing and digital media agency offering services such as business consulting, creative services, digital marketing, SEO, PPC management, mobile apps, and website design. The agency focuses on optimizing clients' online presence, driving e-commerce development, boosting brand awareness, maximizing engagement, and facilitating networking goals.

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Society Effect Corporation

Society Effect Corporation helps exceptional brands discover and communicate their unique stories to the right audience. With a focus on finding the perfect marketing strategy, Society Effect ensures that brands stand out amongst their competitors.

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CheckSite specializes in creating SEO-optimized websites that stand out and rank higher, offering a full range of services including website design, hosting, digital marketing, and mobile optimization. They are known for their prompt, courteous, and professional services, competitive pricing, and their expertise in WordPress and secure e-commerce.

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Sounds Creative

Sounds Creative specializes in jingles, radio and television commercial production, adTel messaging, and outdoor advertising demo reels. They are experienced in creating memorable commercials that help companies grow and have negotiated millions of dollars in media placement nationwide. With a talented roster of male and female voice talent, they ensure that every TV or radio spot, billboard, podcast, or social media ad hits its mark.

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Lemon Collective Creative Agency

Lemon Collective Creative Agency is a women-led creative agency that specializes in refining branding, producing compelling content, and creating effective websites for inspiring brands in various industries including beauty, aesthetics, coaches, lifestyle brands, not-for-profits, food and beverage, and the events industry. Their goal is to bring life and personality to their clients' brands and help them connect with their target audience.

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The Visibility Boosters

The Visibility Boosters offer comprehensive digital marketing strategies designed to increase the visibility, customer engagement and long-term growth of businesses. This includes services like online ranking, content creation, reputation management, social media presence, website design, lead generation, graphic design, and more.

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180 Marketing

180 Marketing offers brand, website, design, social media, strategy and more services to their clients.

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Mango Media

Mango Media is a web design and SEO service company that helps businesses in the Niagara region improve their online presence. They design visually appealing and SEO-friendly websites to help businesses rank higher on Google searches and attract more customers. Their team of dedicated professionals is committed to helping businesses succeed and their clients have seen positive results in their online sales and Google rankings.

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Spritz Creative

Spritz Creative is a comprehensive ad agency that offers a range of marketing services under one roof. From brand design and e-commerce to social media management and content creation, their team of seasoned professionals help clients develop and implement effective marketing strategies.

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i5 Digital Marketing Niagara Region

i5 Marketing INC provides digital marketing services and a comprehensive lead generation system for small businesses. The company offers a unified platform with features including CRM, call tracking, software integration, and appointment automation to help businesses manage their customer relationships, streamline processes, and increase productivity.

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Echo Marketing

Echo Marketing is a comprehensive web design and digital marketing agency, offering a range of services including SEO, Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, email marketing, and website design. They use the latest technology and creative design skills to help businesses enhance their online presence and reach potential customers looking for their products or services.

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Bigfoot Creative

Bigfoot Creative is a company currently enhancing their website to better serve their clients. Stay tuned as they strive to provide innovative solutions and exceptional services in the near future.

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FPM3 Inc.

FPM3 Inc. is a top digital marketing agency in Hamilton specializing in helping blue-collar businesses expand their customer base through effective digital strategies. With a team boasting 20 years of collective experience in servicing service-oriented businesses, they excel in targeting, engaging, and converting their clients' target audiences.

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POSH Marketing is a company dedicated to helping clients achieve success. With a focus on providing top-notch marketing services, they utilize their expertise and passion to drive positive results. Trust POSH Marketing to take your brand to the next level.

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